Page name: Lord of The Rings Fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-24 18:12:35
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HEY IF YOU LOVE LOTR JOIN! This is where we talk bout LOTR and Roleplay!

Owner:[Quit Elftown]
Co.Owner:[The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]
Aragorns House
Legolas's House
Gimlis House
Hobbits House
Gandalf's Battle-Field

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2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: HELLO *DANCES*

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: you did the first comment dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: whats the password i wanna do some editing.

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: ok theres the members homes for elfs humans and dwarf and hobbits.............and th battle field

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: i am getting pictures BRB

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: Nvm

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: my password is autumn deleting in 1 min

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: delete now

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: what u doing?

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: can we change the battlefeild name its spelled Gandalf

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: oh oops

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: what was your fav. part of all the movies?

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: its not hard 2 change

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: m fa. is when gandalf hit the king in the head and yelled BACK TO YOUR POSTS

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: that was coles to

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: or that battle Trees vs. Orcs

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: i know we were talking bout this a couple days ago

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: that was hilarious the odds

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: we both think gimlis the best gimli and aragorn

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: yeah

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: but legolas is hot

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: Aragorn my fav.

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: orlando bloom

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: hehe i also love gandalf

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: faramir is cool to and same with pippin

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: i beat the 3 game i have all those characters

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: frodo deservse his finger getting bit off by gholem-Smigal

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: yeah i beat all of the games my fav. is #2 when your on the wall protecting i think helms deep or something i forget the towns

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: i got sam, frodo, merry, pippin, legolas, aragorn, gimli, gandalf,and faramir   i beat that games ass

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: yeah hehe me to my gimli is lvl 10 to my aragon,pippin faramir and sam are also

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: and gandalf

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: its the same on 3 when your prtecting Minas Tirith

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: all my chars. are 20

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: yeah hehe on 1 player is pretty hard with gandalf

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: think we should start asking people to join?

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: not in 3 i just use his ultimate projectile and kill everyone that isnt a boss in 1-2 hits

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: not the way we were

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: oh hehe

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: they reported me to the mayor

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: who did and y?

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: i cant remember who but they said i was spamming

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: lol i got yelled at to

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: go to all the pages and click on export

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: i did i just dident on this because i wasent done

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: i think we should abolish the mayor

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: lol

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: ITS UBSURED! lol j/k

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: he gets the position automatically theres nothing we can do about that and he has unlimited power and can kick us out for no reason.

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: lol

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: its a complete abusal of power

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: what do you think on that matter

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: i dont know

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: and do we get to vote...................NO hes more like a dictator hes an evil tyrant and to get anything good you must suck up to him and only him

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: lol

2004-08-24 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: we should get started having people join

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: lol ok

2004-08-24 [hanhepi]: [Hedda] got the position automaticly, yes. do you know why? because he created the site.

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: ?what

2004-08-24 [hanhepi]: [Hedda]... the mayor.

2004-08-24 [Quit Elftown]: oh lol i am not complaining

2004-08-24 [hanhepi]: my comment was directed more twards [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]. sorry. lol

2004-08-24 [mufasa]: hey, sup?

2004-08-25 [Quit Elftown]: yo

2004-08-25 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: well i have constitutional rights and can say whatever i want

2004-08-25 [mufasa]: not got out to say then?

2004-08-30 [mufasa]: what is this? am i a talk repelant?

2004-08-31 [Quit Elftown]: yep

2004-09-01 [mufasa]: dam, so much for the lynx effect.

2004-09-01 [Quit Elftown]: lol

2004-09-02 [mufasa]: so, super hotchick, are you the only one who talks?

2004-09-03 [Quit Elftown]: i guess so.....

2004-09-03 [Quit Elftown]: we have no members .....wanna join?

2004-09-03 [mufasa]: sure :)

2004-09-03 [Quit Elftown]: ok! lol

2004-09-03 [Quit Elftown]: whos your favorite person out of all that i named up there?

2004-09-03 [mufasa]: Gandalf then.  sorry... *looks sheepish*

2004-09-06 [mufasa]: even though your not :)

2004-09-11 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: she was talking about the characters

2004-09-25 [mufasa]: DAM this page is slow!

2004-09-26 [Quit Elftown]: lol no1 will join

2004-09-26 [mufasa]: oh, pity

2004-09-26 [mufasa]: tis a good wiki

2004-10-09 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: ill kill em if they dont!!!

2004-12-14 [mufasa]: well, this wiki seems to have flopped quite dramatically...

2004-12-22 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: yeah since the owner quit!

2004-12-22 [mufasa]: DRAGON HUNTER SCYTHE <== HE LIVES!!!!

2004-12-22 [mufasa]: woot!

2005-05-18 [Chibi Momo-chan]: how the hell ar we supposed to do a damn rp if there's no place for one?!Just go to MY LOTR wiki for REAL rping if you want. Lord Of The Ring Fans

2005-05-23 [The Crazy Chicken From Family Guy]: this was never an rp you don't know what this wiki was and you should stop criticizing it because the person who started it quit a very long time ago

2005-05-26 [mufasa]: I wondered why everything suddenly stopped, DAMN - i'm ignorent

2006-12-13 [Leelo]: Hey

2006-12-26 [mufasa]: hi

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